Today, Marlee turns 18 months, one and a half years old!
I can't believe how fast this has happened. 18 months means time for nursery at church. Whoo Hoo!!! That is really exciting and also a bit frightening. I swear I was just lugging her around in an infant carrier. Time flys.
At 18 months, Marlee is a very busy girl. She hardly creates one gigantic mess before she has to rush off to destroy something else. If she wasn't so funny and cute and sweet, we might even be angry about this. We call her the destructo baby. She likes it.
Her favorites:
Person: mom, but barely. She loves it when Sage runs in to get her after a nap, they laugh at each other, not sure what is so funny though. She loves to greet Hayden after school and Heath when he gets home from work.
Place: Sage's pink booster seat. PLEASE mom, just let me ride in there once! or at any park with a slide, the bigger the better. No fear with this little one.
Food: yogurt, food off other people's plates. She is a scavenger. Marlee will ignore the food on her plate and scarf down all of Sage's lunch, even when they have exactly the same thing. I am on to her though, and now just switch plates as she climbs out of her seat to find new food. (Not to long ago, we were playing at the mcdonalds playland and she wandered to the table near us, climbed up into the highchair and began eating the little boy who had vacated the seat's french fries-yeah, I'm mother of the year! Talk about horrified)
Game: name that facial feature. She can't get enough of poking me in the nose. It is so funny. Coloring on the walls and table and carpet with stray marker is her new trick too. She seems to be fond of painting, but I only give her a brush and water which is ok because it serves as a drink when the painting is done.
Fetish: shoes. any shoe with do-Heath's work boots, my flip flops, Hayden's soccer cleats or Sage's black sparkle shoes. Her shoes are ok in a pinch. She is really good at walking in shoes that are way to big. Maybe she has a future as a clown...a mom can dream.
Comfort: binkie and her night-night (pink blankie). She loves to drop the binkie out of the crib against the wall so that when she gets up, we move the furniture around for a scavenger hunt. Its hilarious how this never gets old. She laughs every time I move the crib.
Word: "mama" Also: "bobo's" (from Diego), "pumpkin", she has a few words, but mostly she speaks gibberish. Boy, she can let you have it too if you make her mad.
"uh uhh" means yes. That can get confusing.
Animals: Dogs and monkeys. She makes a great monkey noise. She knows it too. Horses get her excited too, and neighbor cats.
Song: Shake it, by Metrostation. She seems to be a fan of Pink too. hmmm? But anything loud that she can dance to makes her happy.
Marlee is a tough little gal, she doesn't take to much abuse from anyone. Yet she has a very soft cuddly side that will absolutely melt my heart everytime. She likes to place one hand gently on my cheek and just look in my eyes. so sweet. She has a great sense of humor, love of adventure and an intense curiosity of just about everythink. I have little hand prints all over that just make me laugh. She brings me so much joy everyday. I can't believe how fast she is growing up.
I put together some pictures of the past six months. enjoy!