Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight Movie

So, since we have already stalked Stephenie Meyer, her website, and all the other fansites, read each book several times and did the midnight release for BD, we were not about to miss the midnight premier of Twilight. We have been counting down, watching trailors, seeing all the interviews on Ellen and Today, and pretty much everywhere.
So Stacy and I and our buddy Shannon got tickets well in advance and prepared to be dazzled.
Did it meet my expectations? Not even close. I was soooo disappointed. Stacy too. I think I will leave it at that as many people I have talked to really liked it. I did not. Perhaps my expectations were too high, perhaps I have read the books so many times I can recite whole chapters at a time, perhaps midnight is not the best time for me to watch a movie. An entire theater full of people, mostly teenage girls is typically not the place I voluntarilly hang out either. Maybe all these things contribute, but fact is, I did not like the movie, two thumbs down. :( It pains me to say that. I am going to see it again though, just to make sure.

Fancy Family

Have you read Fancy Nancy? Reglier hancy fancy, as miss Avery would call it. Its great. Hayden and Sage love the picture from when the whole Clancy clan hit the King's Crown for dinner. Its the cutest. Well, one night, Sage convinced us all to dress up like in the story and then the kids wanted to recreate the picture. This is our attempt. Even Marlee got in on it. She loved her fancy skirt and kept the hat on all evening.

You Can Stand Under My Umbrella

ella, ella, aye, aye, aye...
Love this funny picture of Sage from Auntie Jamie's 30th birthday Luau. Me and the girls went to Seattle. Heath and Hayden went to Idaho for Grayson's baptism. (Way to go Grayson! Sorry I wasn't there buddy!)
The birthday was way fun. We surprised Jamie. Lots of kids to play with and the food was divine!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Give the Boy a Knife

OK, so its just a teeny tiny saw, but we let Hayden help carve pumpkins this year. He has begged to help carve for the last few years. Don't know why i agreed, 6 seems a bit young to carve, but he showed me this was not true. He did a great job. While I carved the Mario pumpkin, he did the mushroom one. Yes, that's what its supposed to be. I drew it, he carved it just right, so its my fault if no one can tell what it is. heehee.
I love carving pumpkins, its one of my favorite parts of halloween. When i was little, my dad would have me draw the faces on paper and then he would carve them out. He was kind of specific on what sort of things were allowed-no curves. Yup, pretty much the standard triangle jacks. (don't tell him, but BORING!)
Well, must say, carving gets to be a task. Heath has zero interest in carving so he guts them for me and then disappears. This year it was really nice to have a buddy to carve with. Hayden was very patient and just kept sawing away. We had a really great time.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Mario, Nancy, and a little ladybug

We are riding a sugar high as we continually pump massive amounts of the candy aquired last night. Its been great! Marlee seems to prefer anything on a stick, Sage likes gummies and hard candies. Hayden says his fav candy is laffy taffy and some chocolate. Me, well, lets just say we don't have to worry about the kids getting their hands on any of the milky way darks. I confiscated all of those! Heath likes Almond joy-yuck.
This year Hayden was super Mario. He loves to play the New Super Mario brothers and Mario Kart, so guess it was a very good choice. Sage was Fancy Nancy from her beloved books. Pretty much no one knew who Fancy Nancy was, but she was dang cute anyway. The pink hair was her favorite part. She told everybody, "Merci" when she got candyMarlee was a lady bug. The monkey costume was too big, would have really been perfect for her, but she was adorable. "Cute as a bug" you might say!
We went to the trunk or treat at the church, visited a few friends houses in town and then played games with our friends Ted and Stacy. It was a really fun night. Kids didn't get to bed till really late, but hey, its only Halloween once a year.