Monday: LAST DAY of Kindergarten!!! Since Hayden is officially in first grade now, we decided that him and his friends could walk home from school. James and Michael are now big 3rd graders so I didn't need to worry about the short walk (but I am a mom, and so I did anyway!) Despite my nagging back, me and Stacy walked part of the way to greet them. They were pretty proud to be on their own, very cute! Then after dashing through the Welcome to Summer banner at Stacy's, they were ready to celebrate. Not with me though. Sage got invited to a friends (Oh my, isn't she big stuff) Hayden invited a friend over, but along the way they ended up at the neighbors for a big water party. Peace and quiet for me and Marlee. Hayden picked McDonalds for his end of the year dinner before his first soccer practice.
Tuesday: We sent Hayden off to Sports Camp! Whoo hoo. Heath took me to get an epidural steroid injection in my back. (jury is still out if it really did me much good). Played with the girls, and boy is it quiet without Hayden. Sage eats up the one-on-one though. All princess, all day!
Thursday: Sage had Brenna and Nathan over to play. It was a gorgous day, so there was a bit of sprinkler fun in the backyard. Hayden refused to swim at sports camp. It was also our 9yr anniversary! Yay! How did wii celebrate; let mii tell you: we got a Wii! Big fun. The kids were really excited too.
Friday: Last day of Camp. Sage's friend Marissa came to play. We painted toes and made crowns. Marlee was intrigued by painted toes. A few moms from church met us at the park for lunch and fountain fun. Whoa, was it hot!
Saturday: Picked Cherries, and for the second year, they are full of bugs, YUCK! by this evening, the kids were just about to melt down stage, they are so exhausted by all the weeks events. me too.
Sounds like a fun filled week! That's awesome you guys got a Wii! I want one pretty bad because of 1. Wii Fit (way fun while giving you a great work out!) 2. Wii Play (LOVE the cow racing! It's the best!) 3. Dr. Mario! At first it was only Luke who wanted to get one but after playing Wii Fit and the cow racing I'm right there with him!
Oh, sorry about the cherries!! Seems like there is supposed to be a "prime" time to spray to prevent that...Happy 9th anniversary!!
I guess it has to actually feel like a summer break to have all those fun plans - With no kids in school yet, our summer is just three more hot months. We are having fun too though. Say hi to your cute kids for us.
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