Sunday, January 14, 2007

Monster Fun!

Last week Heath saw an ad for the Monster truck show coming to town. We laughed about it, but Hayden got pretty excited. Heath decided to take one for the team and get tickets (lets not forget that I took him to Wiggles). So all week, we counted down to Friday night's show. Hayden was pretty pumped. Friday he even took a nap!!! We found a monster truck shirt and he was set. At 5:30, 2 hours until show time, the will-call folks called to tell us that the show was cancelled. Whoa, major problem. Because of all the snow and poor travel conditions in the surrounding states (we have no snow), the trucks were stuck. Heath pointed out that they are Monster Trucks are they not? How can they not get through a little snow? Hayden was crushed, there were some tears and even the offer of dinner anywhere he wanted didn't seem to help. He picked McDonalds. We offered to do movie night instead. Him and Sage picked Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas. We even took him to Baskin and Robbins. His Rainbow Sherbet actually seemed to perk him up a bit. It was sorta sad, every few minutes a truck would pull into the parking lot and out would come a family with kids who had long, sad faces...yup, all monster truck ticket holders with no show. Bunches of depressed kids eating ice cream, now thats how to spend your friday night.

Well, the good news was that the show would go on on Saturday night. Hayden got to hang out in the pits with the drivers before the show. Heath said he took it all in, not saying much. When he got home he had a whole lot to say. Easy Rider was his favorite. As for me and Sage, well it was a trip to Safeway to get some goodies and home to watch Dora in our jammies. Laugh, go ahead, I will take Dora over loud stinky monster trucks any day.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

The look on Hayden's face in the thumbs-up picture is cracking me up :)