Thursday, December 04, 2008

Novemeber Wrap Up

Found Marlee in the sink:
uh, where did November go? It was a blur, I vaguely remember that. Here is what we did last week:
I started back to work. Yup, after a year and a half with just the occasional weekend, it was time to head back. Its only a couple days a week, so its not too crazy (yeah right!) The girls go to the daycare at my hospital and Hayden does an afterschool program. I am enjoying some adult interaction; dietitians are a fun bunch!

Sage dressed herself for her first day of daycare; she wouldn't touch these shorts all summer long, but now that there is frost on the roof tops, why not. I did not let her wear this however, she had to change despite the protests.

Saw Twilight again, and I am pleased to say it was better the second time. Heath and my sister Kim went with me and they seemed to think it was OK so if you haven't seen it yet, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR???
Who is not thankful for football and a feast!

Thanksgiving was at Aunt Marie's this year. We had a giant crowd up on Camano Island. The food was plentiful and delicious. We had a ton of fun. I tell you, one thing I am so thankful for is being part of a family of amazing cooks! Marie makes all the bread she puts in the dressing, its fabulous! Kyle did the sweet potatoes this year and as far as I am concerned, he can do them every year. Those are my two favorite Thanksgiving foods. Heath says Pumpkin Pie is his fav. Hayden says turkey, Sage liked the jello, and Marlee was into the rolls and olives.
Hayden dancing with Heather, she married Brandon who works with Heath. The kids had a blast dancing. Heath asked if we should get a sitter for the wedding, I said no, it will be fun to all go. yeah, fun.

I did black friday at Southcenter-5:00am. Thought I was going to die on the overcrowded escalator! Yikes! The top landing from the escalator at Sears was crowded with people who had no where to go. As I got toward the top, the stairs kept going, but the people had stopped and we all smashed into each other as more people kept coming up. Very scary. All to save a few bucks on skill saws, blenders, and video games. Of course, everything I was after had sold out before I swam through the masses.

A certain blonde princess turned 4! Big fun, but that will get its own post.
The smaller of the princesses started nursery at church, but that hasn't gone so well so it won't get its own post.

If November was a blur, I am sure December with be even more so. "Will be" -uh, we are already working on it...


Yin said...

I know! November flew for us too! At least you got some pics(I didn't). You guys look great! Your kids are so cute, like always!

Amy said...

I'm glad to hear that your Thanksgiving was good! Black Friday at Southcenter, you are brave to head into that crowd! The kids are looking so much older and of course so much cuter. I hope that December slows down you guys get to enjoy the holiday season. Have a Merry Christmas!