Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight Movie

So, since we have already stalked Stephenie Meyer, her website, and all the other fansites, read each book several times and did the midnight release for BD, we were not about to miss the midnight premier of Twilight. We have been counting down, watching trailors, seeing all the interviews on Ellen and Today, and pretty much everywhere.
So Stacy and I and our buddy Shannon got tickets well in advance and prepared to be dazzled.
Did it meet my expectations? Not even close. I was soooo disappointed. Stacy too. I think I will leave it at that as many people I have talked to really liked it. I did not. Perhaps my expectations were too high, perhaps I have read the books so many times I can recite whole chapters at a time, perhaps midnight is not the best time for me to watch a movie. An entire theater full of people, mostly teenage girls is typically not the place I voluntarilly hang out either. Maybe all these things contribute, but fact is, I did not like the movie, two thumbs down. :( It pains me to say that. I am going to see it again though, just to make sure.


Allison said...

Give it another shot. I'm sure you'll never love it, but under different circumstances maybe you'll be able to find SOME redeeming quality! I give it 1 and 1/2 thumbs up....worth my night out. Charlie was a real winner in my book and I thought the human cast was spot on. Jasper cracked me up and I did believe the chemistry between Bella and Edward. With more money (hopefully) the next one will be even better!

MaKayle said...

Yeah, I made sure not to set my expectations too high because I knew it would never meet them. I had to go to it with the thought that it's just another movie amd not "Twilight" the book I love. Which I think helped, somewhat.

Amy said...

I totally hear where your coming from. The acting was terrible but it made me laugh a lot so I have to say that I was entertained. I don't think it will keep me from wanting to see New Moon when it comes to the theatre.

Casey said...

I agree! I thought it was so goofy.

I'm sure I'll want to see the next one though.

Annette Rose said...

K so I don't know you and you may find this creepy, I'm a friend of Amy's and saw your title said Twilight and I'm addicted so I had to peek at what you thought of it. I too, was soooo disappointed the first time I saw it. I thought it was cheesey and that was NOT my Edward! However, I've seen it two more times and it got better each time! I am in love with it now, cheese and all! I hope you like it more if you see it again.