Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tiny Dancer

For Christmas, my mom got Sage ballet lessons. I get to be the one to take her and it has become one of my most favorite parts of the week. It is fun to chat with her on the way there. She has some really great things to say and doesn't always get my undivided attention.
During class she frequently peeks over to see if I am watching (as if I would look away), and when she catches my eye she gets the biggest smile on her face. Total joy!

The dance studio has a dress code: pink tights, pink leotards, pink shoes. Bun in hair. She LOVES it! There are probably about 6 little girls in her class and it is just dang cute!!!


Allison said...

A-dorable! That was me 20 something years ago and it was what I envisioned doing with my own tiny dancers one day. It appears I may have to settle for watching my nieces and their cute friends! Enjoy!

dots said...

Where is she dancing at? I'm going to put your link on my blog so I can keep tabs on you better!