Now that we are well on our way to 9 months, I guess it is time to talk about Miss Marlee's 8 month milestone. Oh, it was a good month for her, family visits, Christmas, shopping, birthdays. She got to try so many new foods: Cheese, Puffs, combination foods, lumpy stuff, mmmm. She is a great eater; eager to have whatever is on the spoon-even peas! Yogurt is still her favorite.
She is great at raking up little snacks or scraps of paper or whatever else is lurking on our floors. And trust me, there's lots on the floor. Santa brought her biter biscuits which she loves and can make a mess that is down-right impressive.
The cold weather doesn't seem to bother her much, in fact, I think she quite likes it. She will bark at us though if we touch her with cold hands. We saw a bit of snow and she smiled at it and sorta seemed to be in a trance as she watched it. Me too.
She can say mom, and dada. However, it really doesn't seem as though she means it, just sorta baby babble.
Marlee did a fair amount of traveling during the past month: two trips to Seattle and enough errand running to equal another trip too! She definately does not like to travel at night. She prefers to be able to see Hayden. I was shocked and amazed at how well this baby will ride in a stroller. I don't know if it is people watching or the bumping into racks of clothes or what, but stick her in the stroller and she doesn't make a peep-I'm talking a couple hours here! It was amazing.
All in all, it was a fun month that was over before we really got used to it. The holidays are stressful, but my Marlee seemed to provide a little extra peace and joy. Love ya baby!
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