Saturday, August 16, 2008

Breaking Dawn

OK, its been a couple weeks since my last post. Where have I been? Oh, a little town called Forks. Breaking Dawn came out on the 2nd of this month. So, now that I am on the last couple of chapters of my second read, I am starting to realize that life must go on...I absolutely loved this series. Breaking Dawn was not my favorite, but there is certainly enough closure for me that I don't feel like there should have been more. well, perhaps more Edward, but who doesn't want a bit more Edward??? My absolute fav part of the entire twilight series is found in the final pages though. good stuff.
Stacy and I went to the Barnes and Noble midnight release party. Just us and a few hundred teenagers and a handful of other obsessed moms. It was great. Stacy wore her Team Edward Tshirt with pride. I had a bit more trouble deciding. Team Edward on front, team Jacob on back. Love that kid!
No, I'm not kidding, we really wore t-shirts. We had a ton of fun. We made an agreement that we wouldn't talk to each other before we were both done, but 7:30 the next morning, Stacy was calling to discuss the first part. :) She is such a fun friend!
Imagine my shock when the paper arrived the other morning and found my friends from forks making headlines. (With a little creative help from Heath) We laughed pretty good over this. Isn't he funny?


Casey said...

That paper from Heath is so funny! I liked Breaking Dawn too and I'd agree that it wasn't my favorite but I liked the closure. It was such a fun series to read!

Amy said...

I'm sad the series has ended...or has it?! Can't wait to see what Stephenie Meyer comes up with next. By the way I did you guys t-shirts.

wind runner said...

Lori! So much fun! Wish there was another one coming so we could do it again- but I guess we don't need an excuse to hang out and eat DQ- and read good books!

Yin said...

Oh... I can't believe it's over!

Can't wait for the movie!