Friday, June 15, 2007


We were so excited, Marlee swang for over an hour. She gets really fussy some afternoons and pretty much very active bouncing and dancing on my part is all that keeps her from screaming. Its really fun. Anyhow, we assembled the swing for the third time and set it prominantly on display in the kitchen. Neither Hayden or Sage spent more than about 10 minutes total in the thing so it's pretty much brand new. Of note, cousin Avery borrowed it too, however Auntie Jamie (responsible for the new look of our blog, thanks Jam!) tells me that Avery didn't really log the hours either. Anyhow, in a moment of desperation, I thought why not try the thing, I've tried everything else. Turns out she quite liked it. She has swung a few times now. Not sure if it was a one-time thing or if its a new trend. I'm hoping for the latter.

Notice the tiny swing next to Marlee's swing? Thats the doll swing, and it is getting used. Hayden and Sage have been busy swinging all the dolls and stuffed animals they can get ahold of. They practically have a waiting list to get on. Sage has a doll stroller too, its logging the miles as well. They are having a blast playing with these smaller versions of their sisters toys.

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